Home About Us

UET is a comprehensive solution provider focusing on energy and electric power products. After more than 20 years of professional precipitation in the industry, UET has developed deeply in the direction of lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries, electric fittings and electric vehicles. We combine and integrate domestic high-quality production resources and efficient logistics resources, reduce customer procurement costs by centralizing customer orders and unifying production arrangement, so that our customers can enjoy the low procurement costs regardless of the volume of orders.


20 years of precipitation in the field of energy and power industries is the best background of UET. We have strong resources of production resources in China. And we also have rich experience in global market. We understand well about the challenges and pain points faced by global customers in small to large volume procurements;


Since the epidemic in 2020, global market has been hit seriously. Finally market has gradually recovered its vitality. UET is ready to help global customers resume business activities back to normal. We can help customers from the aspects of procurement cost saving, product quality control, transportation cost saving and efficiency.


We not only provide products, but also provide technical services and financial support.


Technical Service:

Our technical support team can deeply involve into the front line of the market to provide customers with professional product knowledge training, product installation and maintenance training and guidance, solve all after-sales problems, and enable global customers to be worry free by using UET products and solutions.


Financial Support:

We provide multiple financing tools to support customers according to customer’s order volume and reputation, including up to 180 days letters of credit, Sinosure guarantees and OA period up to 90 days, etc.


Group Purchase:

For products with high purchase frequency or large market demand, for example, for some models of lead acid batteries, we can centralize orders from multiple customers from multiple countries and arrange production together, so that the cost can be controlled and each customer can obtain the lowest purchase price regardless of the order size.

So Let's work together and Achieve Easy and High Efficient Business.
